GARG! my brain is sooo not cooperating. I've tried to write this post three times now, and it just keeps coming out emo and grouchy. Which just happens to be the EXACT opposite of what I'm trying to say. K, maybe not the exact opposite, but still. Life isn't perfectly happy* right now, but pretty close. Almost the exact opposite.
My brother's getting married! Woo! But, the wedding's in two weeks, which means I'm going to be pretty busy with that.
Also, my sister is coming from across the US to visit for this, so that just adds to the awesome. And the crazy busy.
What does this mean for you guys? I promise to blog once a week. I've tried to do it more often than that, but as you can see from the date of my last post, it didn't work. I'm still going to try to blog as often as I can, but I'm going to be crazy busy for a while. I'm really happy that it's good crazy, but still crazy.
Hmmm. Maybe I should get some guest bloggers or something...
But yeah! I promise I haven't forgotten about you, or sporadicly started hating blogging (*shudder*)
Here's to an insane two weeks! *Raises glass*
*Due to the insanity of my school schedule last year, I still have a few independent study courses. I'll still be doing school in July, which just leaves a nasty taste in your mouth. But I'm still happy!
Well, that was very ramble-y, but decidedly not emo, so we're good!